Preventing Audio Disruptions

Mute attendees by default

You can spare your audience the loud typers, the dogs barking in the background, and the “can everyone please mute” interruptions by making it so that attendees need to opt-in to sharing their audio/video. This reduces annoyances, but also helps conserve bandwidth in order to improve the quality of the presenter’s feed.

Disable entry/exit tones

Some video conferencing software plays a chime as attendees join or drop from the call. While helpful in a small meeting, it can be very disruptive to large gatherings and long calls where people may have to drop throughout.

Use chat for Q&A

Rather than creating the opportunity for mute/unmute issues – direct attendees to post their questions to a chat. Slack is a great tool for this, as other attendees can +1 the question if they would also be interested in hearing the answer