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By March 14, 2015 September 7th, 2018 No Comments

I spent this morning playing around with installing Wallabag on my own server. Basically Wallabag is a self-hosted replacement for read-it-now apps such as Pocket and Instapaper. Within a few minutes I had it installed, and within a couple hours I had imported all my data from Pocket and re-skinned it to match my own site:

Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 6.53.01 PM


  • Easy installation! I followed the Documentation with no issues
  • Code is easy to follow
  • Clean, mobile-friendly design
  • Android and iOS apps are available


  • Some articles have difficulty importing (even articles which worked find on Pocket
  • I had hoped to make my reading list public while keeping the control/functionality password protected. I haven’t found a way to do this… yet
  • The Android app is fine, pretty basic, but unfortunately the app does not sync back to the main web app, so the web app and Android app differ as to which items are “unread” or “archived”

Overall I’m pretty impressed with what Wallabag offers from an open source perspective. It’s not perfect but I’m going to try using it instead of Pocket for a while and see how it goes.