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Meet the Foreign Tech Workers Left in Limbo by Trump – The New York Times

By April 21, 2017 September 7th, 2018 No Comments

“My family lives in India and I love that country,” said Mr. Jaladi, “but I have spent my adult life in the United States and it definitely feels like more of a home to me.”

Mr. Jaladi commutes an hour each day to work as the head of information security at Gusto, a company that provides human resources services to small businesses. He enjoys meals at home and weekend shopping trips to Costco. He and his wife love to cook.
Photos from Priya and Sujay’s wedding on the mantle in their living room. Credit Deanne Fitzmaurice for The New York Times

But visas are always on his mind, along with the possibility that he may have to return to India.”